God’s Guard Rails - The 10 Commandments
Law and order is under siege in America. In the summer of 2020, several of our major cities became war zones as rioters, looters and political militants acted out their lawlessness. Meanwhile, in America’s courts, halls of congress and on the college campuses the very concept of justice has suffered a radical transformation. Sadly, some Christian leaders have abandoned biblical authority and adopted these cultural “norms” as their moral and ethical teachings. Psalm 11:3 asked a relevant question for today crisis: “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
As the foundations of today’s cultural morality are crumbling, it is time for the true Church to reach back to the unchanging foundation of biblical morality. Writing to believers who lived in Rome, the seat of ancient world power, Paul stated this about God’s law: “So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good” (Romans 7:12). Why is God’s law at any point in history or for any society holy, right and so good?
This sermon series, God’s Guard Rails, will declare God as the Foundation of righteousness, morality and law. The law contained in the Ten Commandments is the expression of God’s holy character and His “guard rails” to keep humanity from careening off into self-destruction. This series will show how God’s moral law promotes human flourishing contrasted to how disobedience to God’s law descends into sin and human misery.
You will learn God’s purposes in giving His moral law to humanity and, of greatest importance, you will learn of Jesus, God’s one and only remedy for all sinners who break God’s moral law. The series will end in rejoicing over the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, our imputed righteousness.